Update: Recording time is just around the corner, woohoo! You can pre-order the album or contribute to our recording costs here. Your pre-order helps us pay for recording, editing, mastering, and the cost of the CD’s, as well as ensures that you get your copy as soon as we can get it to you!
I’m really excited to be working on a new recording project, this time with my dad Michael O’Brien. We’re recording a version of our “Songs from Home” program, of music for recorder and guitar. We’ve made music together for my whole life, and I’m so thrilled to be working on this album together!
I’ll be playing a variety of recorders, including the Mollenhauer Helder tenor, a couple of Baroque recorders from the von Huene Workshop, and a couple of Renaissance recorders from other makers. Michael will be playing a classical guitar and a steel-string harp guitar, both his own designs and built in his own shop.
Please help us share it!