5. Harmony and Chord Relationships
This session will look at how individual chords relate to each other, and to the overall context of a piece of music. This topic is critical to seeing the bigger picture in not just ensemble music, but also in music with only a single line because of the harmonic content that is implied in the melody. We’ll practice identifying tonic and dominant chords and their relatives; and the most common types of cadences. Exercises will include listening practice for identifying these concepts, musical analysis of familiar pieces, and methods for continuing to delve into these topics on your own.
5. Harmony and Chord Relationships
This session will look at how individual chords relate to each other, and to the overall context of a piece of music. This topic is critical to seeing the bigger picture in not just ensemble music, but also in music with only a single line because of the harmonic content that is implied in the melody. We’ll practice identifying tonic and dominant chords and their relatives; and the most common types of cadences. Exercises will include listening practice for identifying these concepts, musical analysis of familiar pieces, and methods for continuing to delve into these topics on your own.